Preparing Print Ready Artwork
The preferred upload file type is PDF.
If you are uploading PDF files created in Photoshop, flatten all images.
We also accept .JPG (JPEG), EPS, TIFF, PSD, and AI file types, however PDF is the preferred format.
• Use the CMYK colorspace (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK). CMYK colors are different than RGB (Red, Green, Blue), which are used to show colors on your computer screen.
• Use a resolution of 300 dpi or higher for image files.
• Artwork should have 1/8″ (0.125″) bleed beyond where it will be trimmed.
• Use a safe area of 1/8″ (0.125″) inside the trim area. Do not put text or other important elements within the Safe Area or it could be cut off.